Ann Zimpfer Regarding Education

On January 10th Ann Zimpfer, our candidate for State Rep in the 95th district,  forwarded this letter to us to share.

I am sending info concerning bills that will be presented in the Education Committee tomorrow. I am planning on attending and testifying in opposition to these bills. I will be focusing mainly on 1994 and 1474.  These bills are just another attack on education in the state of Missouri.

The House Elementary and Secondary Education Committee will meet on January 11 and hear bills reflecting issues about school boards and instruction concerning race and history.

HB 1747 (Basye) would establish a process for school board member recall elections.  The bill lists many possible grounds for seeking a recall.  Some of the listed grounds reflect a form of official misconduct while others appear to reflect a disagreement on policy or process.  The bill also allows citizen lawsuits to seek to require school officials to perform actions required by school law.
HB 1474 (Schroer) defines “curriculum implementing critical race theory”, lists specific examples and bans schools and educators from teaching, using, or providing such curriculum or from teaching, affirming, or promoting any of the claims, views, or opinions found in the 1619 Project or the other, targeted curricula.   The bill also enacts an extensive set of provisions regarding parental involvement and mandates parental approval for student participation in extracurricular activities.  

HB 1995 (Richey) creates new requirements regarding the teaching of “controversial or divisive” topics.  The bill creates mechanisms by which parents can object to instruction and materials based on their beliefs and creates an extensive mandate to put all school curriculum and all source materials.  The Association is concerned that the bill would disrupt implementation of local curriculum and instructional planning.


Ann Zimpfer